How To Save Flash Files of Websites using Mozilla Firefox

his article explains how to save flash files from a website using mozilla firefox.
1.Right click on web page and select "view page info" or click on tools and select "page info".
select view page info
2.Now click the Media Tab on the Page Info Window.
select Media Tab
3.The Media Tab will have complete list of Images, CSS Files and Shockwave Flash files of the web page.
4.Scroll down the list and locate your .swf(flash) file.
Locate the swf file
5.Click on "Save As" button. Choose some location on your hard drive and save the file.
you are done.

Blogger Template Design: Tutorial 12

If you look at these templates - Lasik, JournallRed, and Minimalizt - you'd notice that the background is not of a plain color, but made from a repeating pattern of an image. This image is called a background image. It can be a single large image that fills up the screen or a small image (say 50 x 50 pixels) that repeats horizontally and/or vertically. The neat thing about using, or embedding, a background image is that you can create any image you like and use it in your blog to make it unique and different from other blogs.

A background image can be placed in any container - either inside the Body container (which fills up the entire screen), inside the Post, Sidebar, Comment, or even on a header container (say, a Comment Header). For example, if you look at the
Minimalizt template, you'll see that the Comment Header below the post is a rounded green button - which is an image embedded inside the Comment Header.

You can also use an image to create a shadowy-looking side frame (now quite common in blogs). See the
Hazy template to see how it looks. To do this, you create a short background image with a long span that fills the whole width of the template. At the right and left edge of the background image, you create the shadowy pattern (or any other pattern that you want to be the frame), and embed this inside the outer-wrapper container, repeating it vertically.

But, how to embed and how to repeat the image vertically, horizontally, or both in directions?

To Embed Background Image:

Say that you want to use a 100 x 100 pixels image as the background image inside the Sidebar1 container. What you need to do is find the sidebar1 {...} container in CSS Styling and add the following code in red (the other codes are just sample codes):

#sidebar1 {
margin: 0px 10px 15px 10px;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
width: 150px;
background: URL(http://the-url-of-your-image) repeat left top;
text-align: left;

The "background:..." code will embed whatever image at whatever URL you put and repeat the pattern both vertically and horizontally. The location of the starting image will be on the left-most side, and at the top-most position. The general command for embedding a background image is:

background: URL(http://...) repeat-command x-position y-position;

All Repeat Command:
  • no-repeat (the image won't be repeated at all)
  • repeat (repeat horizontally and vertically)
  • repeat-x (only repeats horizontally)
  • repeat-y (only repeats vertically)
All Horizontal (x) Position Command:
  • left (puts the starting image on the left-most side)
  • center (puts the starting image at the center)
  • right (puts the starting image on the right-most side)
All Vertical (y) Position Command:
  • top (puts the starting image on the top-most position)
  • center (puts the starting image at the center)
  • bottom (puts the starting image on the bottom-most position)

Blogger Template Design: Tutorial 11

Now that you've gone through all the tutorials, you're pretty much ready to start designing your own template. In this guide, I'll show you the big steps that you have to go through to make a template the fast and easy way.

The first thing you need to understand about designing a template is that the technique of designing is unique and different between individuals. In the end, it's entirely up to you how you want to do it - if and only if you're familiar and have made a few templates yourself. But if you're just beginning, it's best to follow a step-by-step guide to expedite the process and so that you won't get lost.

Step 1 - Choose an already-made template as a starting point:

For beginners, the easiest and fastest way to start designing is by starting from an existing template. But don't do it with the intention of plagiarizing it! Read more in the sub-post
Start Designing from an Existing Template.

Step 2 - Setting the number and location of your sidebar columns:

If you're a beginner, make sure you start with a template that closely resembles the template that you have in mind. For example, if you want to do a 3-column template, don't start with an existing 2-column template. Or, if you want to change or add more sidebars yourself, read more about how to do it in
Tutorial 10: Making a 3-Column Template and More ...

Step 3 - Setting the width of your template:

The first thing you need to do after getting a starting template is to set the width of your template. To do this, you need to set the width in the CSS Style code. It's all explained in detail in Tutorial 7: Setting the Template Size. The common containers to set the widths are:
  • body
  • outer-wrapper
  • content-wrapper
  • header-wrapper
  • main-wrapper
  • sidebar-wrapper (or sidebar1, sidebar2, and so on)
  • footer-wrapper
You can either set the width to be fluid (changes its width accordingly with the browser or screen size) or set the width to be fixed. Note that setting the width inside the container-wrapper can be a bit tricky because you have the Main and Sidebar containers in it. If the width is not set well, the Sidebars can fall below the Main container.

Step 4 - Build test objects:

If you're designing a new template, how do you know that what you're tweaking is right if you can't see the changes? So, what you need to do here is build some test objects - for example post 3 or more test posts that have a quote, a numbered list, un-numbered list, make lots of widgets to see how the sidebars look like, make sure you have some Labels to show up in your Labels widget, make some test comments to see how they look, and so on.

Step 5 - Tweaking the CSS code to customize your blog's appearance:

Here is where you start tweaking the CSS code to customize the basic layout of your blog and slowly refining it until you have the template that you want. It's a process that keeps you going back and forth re-tweaking codes because you won't usually get things perfect the first time. Read more detail in the sub-post
Tweaking the CSS Code.

Step 6 - Testing in other browsers:

This step can get really annoying, but like they say, you've got to do what you've got to do. Read more in the sub-post
Testing and Viewing in Other Browsers.

Step 7 - Using images as background:

If you're bored of using plain color, you can use nicer images as the background of the whole blog or the background of some of the containers (e.g. the Post, Sidebar, Footer, Header, etc). To learn how to do this, click on
Tutorial 12: How to Embed Images as Background.

Step 8 (The Final Step) - Finalizing your template:

This step is like the proof-reading stage of your writing. You just need to go through one last step to double check that everything works fine and okay. Look at your blog carefully and see if some minor tweaking will make it look better.

Blogger Template Design: Tutorial 10

One of the most basic desires after becoming a Blogger's blogger and using the standard template for a while is having the urge to find a 3-column template. So, here's a simple and straight-forward tutorial on how to do this yourself without going through too much of code tweaking.

This tutorial is prepared assuming you understand the stuff covered in
Tutorial 8 and Tutorial 9, which explain the basics of the Body section of the code.

What we'll be doing to change or add sidebars is simply tweaking the XML code directly from the Blogger Edit HTML page WITHOUT turning the Expand Widget Templates on. This means that the Body section at the end of the code won't be shown cluttered with detailed algorithms for widgets and post data. It'll be as simple as it can be, which is definitely a good thing :).

Adding a Sidebar to Make a 3-column Template:

When you scroll down to the Body section, the code might have something that looks close to this example below (note that you can have slightly different variations of this code for different templates):

Example of a 2-column template:

<div id='content-wrapper'>

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

<div class='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar1' preferred='yes'>

<!-- spacer for skins that want sidebar and main to be the same height-->
<div class='clear'> </div>

</div> <!-- end content-wrapper -->

The above shows a 2-column-template code within a wrapper called the content-wrapper which contains the main-wrapper (which contains the Blog Posts) and the sidebar-wrapper.

To make another sidebar, what you need to do is simply go to the Edit HTML page and without turning on the Expand Widget Templates box, paste another block of sidebar-wrapper code (shown above in red) before or after the main-wrapper block. For example, to make the Sidebar-Main-Sidebar column, place it before the main-wrapper. Notice in the example below that the id of the 1st sidebar-wrapper is sidebar1 and the id of the 2nd one is sidebar2.

Note: You also have to make sure that the width of both Sidebars and the Main blocks will fit inside the content-wrapper and that the CSS code is properly written for the Sidebars to lay next to each other. Some common mistakes are that one or both Sidebars will fall below the Main block.

Example of a 3-column S-M-S template:

<div id='content-wrapper'>

<div class='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar1' preferred='yes'>

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

<div class='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar2' preferred='yes'>

<!-- spacer for skins that want sidebar and main to be the same height-->
<div class='clear'> </div>

</div> <!-- end content-wrapper -->

Changing the Sidebar Location:

If you want to change a sidebar location to make a 3-column template with a configuration of Main-Sidebar-Sidebar for example, what you need to do is place the sidebar-wrapper block where you want it to appear.

To do this, simply go to the Edit HTML page and without turning on the Expand Widget Templates box, cut the 1st sidebar-wrapper code and paste it in between the main-wrapper and sidebar2 blocks. See the sample code below:

Example of a 3-column M-S-S template:

<div id='content-wrapper'>

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

<div class='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar1' preferred='yes'>

<div class='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar2' preferred='yes'>

<!-- spacer for skins that want sidebar and main to be the same height-->
<div class='clear'> </div>

</div> <!-- end content-wrapper -->

Now you basically know how to add or change sidebar locations. They're that simple!